


来源 |  宁波海事法院 


Ningbo Maritime Court Litigation Guide 




Background: In 2016, the Supreme People's Court proposed a new goal of building an international maritime judicial centre in China. To achieve this goal, we shall base ourselves on China's current situation, objectively analyze our current shortcomings. We shall also adopt a global vision and an open attitude, benchmark ourselves against international standards and formulate a long-term strategy to gradually promote the construction of international maritime judicial centre. Among which, creating a fair, transparent and predictable legal environment is the key to enhancing China's judicial credibility and gradually becoming a widely accepted and recognized global resolution hub for maritime disputes.


Purpose: With the aim of creating a fair, transparent and predictable maritime judicial environment, and providing standard, meticulous and international maritime litigation services in Zhejiang Province, our court prepared Ningbo Maritime Court Litigation Guide (The Guide) in both Chinese and English.


The Guide covers 4 parts. The first part is about the diversified dispute resolution system, which introduces a variety of efficient, convenient and low-cost non-litigation dispute resolution methods promoted and advocated by our court. The second part is about ordinary maritime litigation procedures. It introduces the ordinary procedures for trying maritime and admiralty cases in the headquarters and the 3 tribunals of our court. The third part is about special maritime litigation procedures, which emphasizes the detailed proceedings and frequently asked questions in practice of several special maritime procedures. The last part details the various aspects of the enforcement procedure. Each part contains a brief introduction to the procedure and practice guidance.

本诉讼指南主要针对海事海商案件。本院的案件受理范围还包括海事行政案件, 2017年本院还依照最高人民法院指定管辖试点审理了首例海事刑事案件,但因对该海事行政案件和海事刑事案件的审理尚在起步尝试阶段,故未在本诉讼指南中作介绍。

The Guide is mainly for maritime and admiralty cases. The jurisdiction of our court also includes the maritime administrative case. Our court also tried the first maritime criminal case designated by the Supreme People’s Court last year. However, considering the trial work of maritime administrative case and maritime criminal case are still in the initial stage, they are not introduced in The Guide.


We hope that The Guide can provide a useful reference for Chinese and foreign litigants and lawyers who come to our court for litigation. We will regularly update The Guide in accordance with the latest laws and regulations. At the same time, we welcome your valuable suggestions and comments on any possible omissions and inaccuracies of The Guide.


Disclaimer: The Guide should be seen as providing reference only to Chinese and foreign litigants and lawyers. It is not in any way a substitute of relevant procedure laws and associated judicial explanations, and should not fetter the discretion of the Judge.



The Guide is available for download at the bilingual website of our court. 



Table of Contents


Part 1 多元纠纷解决机制

Part 1 Diversified Dispute Resolution Mechanism

1.1. 诉前调解

1.1. Pre-suit Mediation

1.2. 确认调解协议

1.2. Judicial Confirmation of Mediation Agreement

1.3. 承认和执行仲裁裁决

1.3. Recognition and Enforcement of Arbitral Awards

1.3.1. 程序

1.3.1. Procedure

1.3.2. 需要提交的材料

1.3.2. Materials Needed

1.3.3. 费用

1.3.3. Fees

1.4. 在线多元纠纷解决平台

1.4. Online Diversified Dispute Resolution Platform

Part 2 常规诉讼流程

Part 2 General Proceedings

2.1. 海事海商案件诉讼程序架构

2.1. The Procedural Framework for Maritime and Admiralty Cases

2.2. 起诉

2.2. Initiating a Lawsuit


2.2.1. Conditions must be Met

2.2.2. 需要提交的材料和遵循的要求

2.2.2. Documents Required and Requirements to be Followed

2.2.3. 提交起诉的方式

2.2.3. Methods Available to File a Lawsuit

2.2.4. 本院咨询电话

2.2.4. Helpline of Our Court

2.3. 应诉

2.3. Responding to an Action

2.3.1 被告应/可采取的行动

2.3.1. Measures the Defendant shall/may Take

2.4. 本院的管辖范围及受理案件范围

2.4. The Jurisdiction of Our Court

2.4.1. 管辖区域

2.4.1. Jurisdictional Areas

2.4.2. 受理案件范围

2.4.2. Scope of Cases to be Entertained

2.5. 证据

2.5. Evidence

2.5.1. 收集证据

2.5.1. Collecting Evidence

2.5.2. 提交证据

2.5.2. Submitting Evidence 期限 Time Limit 形式要求 Form Requirements

2.6. 期间和送达

2.6. Time Limit and Service

2.6.1. 期间

2.6.1. Time Limit

2.6.2. 送达

2.6.2. Service

2.7. 保全和先予执行

2.7. Preservation and Advanced Enforcement

2.7.1. 诉前财产保全

2.7.1. Pre-suit Preservation

2.7.2. 先予执行

2.7.2. Advanced Enforcement

2.7.3. 诉讼保全

2.7.3. Litigation Preservation

2.7.4. 船舶保全

2.7.4. Preservation of Ship

2.7.5. 保全财产解除

2.7.5. Removal of the Property Preservation

2.7.6. 担保方式

2.7.6. Types of Security

2.7.7. 复议

2.7.7. Reconsideration

2.7.8. 保全、先予执行错误的后果

2.7.8. Result of Wrong Preservation and Advanced Enforcement

2.7.9. 海事请求保全

2.7.9. Preservation of Maritime Claims

2.8. 诉讼费用

2.8. Litigation Cost

2.8.1. 种类和计算

2.8.1. Categories and Calculation

2.8.2. 诉讼费用交纳和承担

2.8.2. Payment and Assumption of Litigation Costs

2.8.3. 司法救助

2.8.3. Judicial Aid

2.9. 一审审判程序

2.9. Trial Procedures of First Instance

2.9.1. 适用程序种类

2.9.1. Types of Procedures

2.9.2. 普通程序的庭审流程

2.9.2. Proceedings of Trial for Cases Applying Ordinary Procedure

2.9.3. 简易程序的庭审流程

2.9.3. Proceedings of Trial for Cases Applying Summary Procedure

2.9.4. 程序转换

2.9.4. Procedure Switch

2.9.5. 中止诉讼和终结诉讼

2.9.5. Suspension and Termination of Litigation

2.9.6. 审限

2.9.6. Trial Time-limit

2.10. 上诉

2.10. Appeal

2.10.1. 如何上诉

2.10.1. How to Appeal

2.10.2. 需要提交的材料和遵循的要求

2.10.2. Documents Required and Requirements to be Followed

2.10.3. 上诉程序概要

2.10.3. Briefs of the Appeal Procedure

2.11. 再审

2.11. Retrial

2.11.1. 如何启动再审

2.11.1. How to Initiate a Retrial

2.11.2. 再审程序概要

2.11.2. Briefs of Retrial Procedure

2.11.3. 再审的效力

2.11.3. Effect of Retrial

2.12. 督促程序—支付令

2.12. Procedure for Hastening Debt Recovery – Order of Payment

2.12.1. 适用范围

2.12.1. Scope of Application


2.12.2. Application for Order of Payment

2.12.3. 效力

2.12.3. Effect

2.13. 公示催告程序

2.13. Procedure for Public Notice for Assertion of Claims

2.13.1. 适用范围

2.13.1. Scope of Application

2.13.2. 申请公示催告

2.13.2. Application for Public Notice for Assertion of Claims

2.13.3. 效力

2.13.3. Effect

Part 3 海事诉讼特别程序

Part 3 The Special Maritime Procedure

3.1. 海事请求保全

3.1. Preservation of Maritime Claims

3.1.1. 船舶扣押

3.1.1. Ship Arrest 扣押船舶的条件 Conditions of Arresting a Ship 可以扣哪些船? What Kinds of Ship are Permitted to be Arrested? 如何申请扣船? How to File an Arrest Application? 船舶扣押期限 Time Limit for Arrest of Ship 船舶扣押期间费用由谁负担? Who is Liable for Managing the Ship during the Arrest Period? 司法拍卖 Judicial Sale of Ship

3.1.2. 扣押船载货物、船用燃油、船用物料

3.1.2. Attachment of Cargoes, Ship Fuel Oil, and Ship Materials 扣押条件 Condition 船载货物、船用燃油、船用物料扣押期限 Time Limit for Attachment of Cargoes, Ship Fuel Oil, and Ship Materials 如何申请拍卖船载货物、船用燃油、船用物料 How to Apply for Auction of Cargoes, Ship Fuel Oil, and Ship Materials?

3.2. 海事强制令

3.2. Maritime Injunction

3.2.1. 海事强制令的适用范围

3.2.1. Application Scope of Maritime Injunction

3.2.2. 如何申请海事强制令

3.2.2. How to Apply for Maritime Injunction?

3.2.3. 海事强制令申请错误的后果

3.2.3. Consequences of Wrongful Application of Maritime Injunction

3.3. 海事证据保全

3.3. Preservation of Maritime Evidence

3.4. 海事担保

3.4. Maritime Security

3.4.1. 担保方式

3.4.1. Types of Security

3.4.2. 担保的方式和数额由谁决定?

3.4.2. Who Determines the Type and Amount of Security?

3.4.3. 申请扣押船舶须提供多少数额的担保?

3.4.3. What Amount of Security is Required for Physical Arrest of Ship?

3.5. 部分海事海商案件审判程序的特别规定

3.5. Special Provisions for Trial of Several Maritime and Admiralty Cases

3.5.1. 船舶碰撞案件审判程序的特别规定

3.5.1. Special Provisions for Trial of Collision Cases

3.5.2. 共同海损案件审判程序的特别规定

3.5.2. Special Provisions for Trial of General Average Cases

3.5.3. 海上保险人行使代位请求赔偿权审判程序的特别规定

3.5.3. Special Provisions for Trial of Exercising Subrogation Right by Marine Insurers

3.6. 设立海事赔偿责任限制基金的程序

3.6. Procedures for Constitution of Limitation Fund for Maritime Claims

3.6.1. 哪些主体有权主张海事赔偿责任限制、可申请设立责任限制基金?

3.6.1. Who is Entitled to Ascertain the Right to Limitation Liability foMaritime Claims and Apply for Constitution of Limitation Fund?

3.6.2. 必须设立责任限制基金吗?

3.6.2. Is It a Must to Constitute a Limitation Fund?

3.6.3. 申请设立责任限制基金的期间

3.6.3. Time limit for Application of Constitution of Limitation fund

3.6.4. 向哪个海事法院提起申请设立责任限制基金?

3.6.4. Which Maritime Court could be Applied for Constitution of Limitation Fund?

3.6.5. 应提交的材料及遵循的要求

3.6.5. Documents Required and Requirements to be Followed

3.6.6. 设立海事赔偿责任限制基金的流程

3.6.6. Proceedings for Constitution of Limitation Fund

3.6.7. 设立基金的方式

3.6.7. Methods of Constitution of Limitation Fund

3.6.8. 基金的数额

3.6.8. Amount of Limitation Fund


3.6.9. Effect of Constitution of Limitation Fund

3.7. 债权登记与受偿程序

3.7. Procedure for Credit Registration and Repayment of Debts

3.7.1. 如何申请债权登记

3.7.1. How to Apply for Credit Registration

3.7.2. 未按时申请债权登记的后果

3.7.2. Consequences of not Applying for Credit Registration on Time

3.7.3. 确权诉讼

3.7.3. Action for Affirming Maritime Claims

3.7.4. 如何分配船舶拍卖款和责任限制基金?

3.7.4. How to Distribute the Sale Proceeds of Auctioned Ship and the Limitation Fund?

3.8. 船舶优先权催告程序

3.8. Procedure for Public Notice for Assertion of Maritime Liens

Part 4 执行

Part 4 Enforcement


4.1. Jurisdiction


4.1.1. General Regulations


4.1.2. Choosing Jurisdiction

4.2. 申请

4.2. Application


4.2.1. General Regulations of the Time Limit for Applying for Enforcement


4.2.2. The General Form Requirements for Application Enforcement


4.2.3. The Special Form Requirements for Application Enforcement


4.2.4. The Essential Requirements of the Application for Enforcement

4.3. 代理

4.3. Agent

4.3.1. 执行案件的委托代理

4.3.1. Entrusted Agent in Enforcement

4.3.2. 委托代理手续

4.3.2. Entrusted Agency Procedures 外籍当事人的委托代理 Entrusted Agency of Foreign Parties 外籍当事人的委托代理手续 Entrusted Agency Procedures of Foreign Parties 港澳台当事人的委托代理手续 Entrusted Agency Procedures of the Parties from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan

4.4. 执行担保

4.4. Enforcement Security

4.4.1. 一般规定

4.4.1. General Provisions

4.4.2. 暂缓执行

4.4.2. The Suspension of the Enforcement

4.4.3. 执行担保的效力

4.4.3. The Effect of the Enforcement Security

4.5. 执行和解

4.5. Enforcement Reconciliation

4.5.1. 一般规定

4.5.1. General Provisions

4.5.2. 执行和解后的恢复执行

4.5.2. Resume Enforcement after Reconciliation

4.6. 执行异议程序

4.6. The Objection Procedure of the Enforcement

4.6.1. 执行行为异议

4.6.1. The Enforcement Acts Objection

4.6.2. 执行行为异议的形式要件

4.6.2. The Form Requirements for the Enforcement Acts Objection

4.6.3. 案外人异议

4.6.3. The Outsiders Objection

4.6.4. 案外人异议的形式要件

4.6.4. The Form Requirements of Objection from the Outsider

4.7. 执行费用

4.7. Enforcement fee

4.7.1. 执行费用计算方式

4.7.1. Calculation of Enforcement Fee

4.7.2. 执行申请费速算表

4.7.2. The Quick Calculation Form of the Enforcement Fee

4.8. 执行风险提示

4.8. The Risk Tips of Enforcement





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传真:+86 21-58481183



